Open data specifications and
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Getting Started

This page gives details about using neuroshare libraries in your C code.

To Start

  1. Get a Neuroshare DLL by visiting the download area.
  2. Get a Sample Data file. Some vendors already have them on the web.
  3. Get the files ns.c and ns.h by visiting the CVS area .
  4. Include these files in your project and you are good to go.

How is data organzied

Everything is an entity, and there are 4 types of entities: Segment, Event, Analog and Neural Events.

Almost all data is organized using the same pattern. An example is likely the easist to follow.
Lets say we are interested in finding the 3rd data point, of the 2nd entity in the 1st file. Then:

Most applications using neuroshare data will act the same way. In particular the following steps will be done:

  1. Get a handle to the neuroshare DLL by calling ns_LoadLibrary.
  2. Get a file handle (hFile) by calling ns_OpenFile.
  3. Find out how many enties exist by calling ns_GetFileInfo. The field of interest is ns_FILEINFO.dwEntityCount.
  4. Separate the entities into the different types by calling ns_GetEntityInfo. The field of interest is dwEntityType.
  5. Do any data processing.
  6. Close the file handle by calling ns_CloseFile.
  7. Release the neuroshare DLL by calling ns_CloseLibrary.

API Weirdness

Useful resources

The DLL tester will allow you see your data. It will not graph data, but does allow you to verify what the values should be. It is GUI based and easy to understand.

The file main.cpp is part of our very simple test of using a neuroshare dll. We hope you find it useful.

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